The Monitor Tapes: A Crisis on Infinite Earths Podcast

Hosted ByDC Dave and Doug Adamson

Worlds would live...worlds would die. And the DC Universe would never be the same again.

Crisis on Infinite Earths, DC Comics’ seminal event from 1985. The impact is still felt over 40 years later. Join your hosts DC Dave and Doug Adamson – along with a rotating bevy of guest hosts – as we discuss the Crisis throughout the years. From long-lasting impacts, to “what we would have done differently,” to breakdowns of individual stories, our hosts will discuss the Crisis in a new, refreshing way. Not an index show, not a panel-by-panel discussion, but a personal examination of this legendary comic book story.

All Episodes

Tape #2 – The Flash

The Second Tape: DC Dave and Doug Adamson play Tape #2, which looks at … The Flash With co-host Jeremy (aka Yakk0) from the TransMissions Podcast. 2:06 – Crisis...

Tape #1 – The Monitor Tapes

The First Tape: DC Dave and Doug Adamson play Tape #1, which looks at … The Monitor Tapes In The Monitor Tapes, we explore: the origin of the show...


The Monitor Tapes: A Crisis on Infinite Earths Podcast Hosted By DC Dave & Doug Adamson Worlds would live…worlds would die. And the DC Universe would never be the...

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